Resources and Articles

Here is a selection of resources and articles that you may find useful to support your education ICT projects.

Self Organised Learning Environments (SOLEs) 

Prof. Sugata Mitra (Newcastle University) has developed a unique perspective on how technology can be used to support teaching and learning. The SOLE projects support the notion that learning is a process that individuals go through and not a process that is done to you. The SOLE projects gave children self supervised access to shared digital resources and saw results that could revolutinise how we think about teaching. Schools that support Mitra’s pedagogy enable pupils to work in groups, follow up on class activities or to undertake self directed projects that interest them. Click here to find out more about Mitra’s work. You may find the TED talk given by Mitra a useful starting point as well.

Digital Media and Pedagogical Change

Catherine McLoughlin (Australian Catholic University) and Mark Lee (Charles Sturt University) examine the impact of digital media and social networking tools on pedagogies. New and emerging learning theories are clearly explained. The article supports the need to recognise the potential of new digital and social media to enable the transformation of pedagogy, the design of learning tasks, the promotion of learner autonomy and creativity in our schools.  Full article>>>

Journal of Educational Technology and Society

Click here to access the Journal of Educational Technology and Society. There are no subscription charges for this journal.

Digital Portfolios: Fact or Fashion?

The use of digital portfolios as a learning and assessment tool is continuing to grow in popularity. Even though the article was written a few years ago, it is still very relevant as it examines the use of digital portfolios and the factors that teachers need to bear in mind when using them. Full article>>> 

Apple Regional Training Centres

If your school is using Apple technology or about to make a substantial investment in Apple technology you may be interested to learn more about Apple’s Regional Training Centre scheme. If you are interested in sharing your vision for education technology eligible schools will need to be in a position to offer a training venue for other schools. Click here for further details.

Microsoft IT Academy Programme

The Microsoft IT Academy Programme offers a comprehensive range of training and resources needed to deliver high quality training to students, staff and the wider community. Click here for further details.

Digital Learning Studio

Digital Learning Studio’s m-learning site provides a broad range of resources and information relating to mobile learning.

Learning cultures on the move. Where are we heading?

Agnes Kukulska-Hulme (Institute of Educational Technology, Open University) explores the move towards a more learner centered education and discusses the implications for the adoption of mobile learning technologies and learning design. The paper explores the pervasiveness of mobile technologies within the education sector. Full article>>>

The Khan Academy

Salman Khan has established a unique not for profit education website which enables learners to watch short 10 minute online videos on mathematics and a small number of other subjects. The site has attracted a large amount of positive feedback from across the world. The material that has been created may not suit everyone’s learning styles, but it does demonstrate the opportunity that schools have in producing their own bespoke content and at little cost. Click here for further details.

Learning Platforms and Change Management

Schools often tell me that they have problems persuading staff and students to use their Learning Platforms or Virtual Learning Environments on a regular basis. Getting change management right to support the roll out of a new learning platform is probably the most important thing a school can do before, during and after the roll out of a learning platform. Gilly Salmon’s book entitled ‘E-tivities: The Key to Active Online Learning’ may help you devise an effective  change management strategy. She describes a five stage process in engaging staff and students in the use of learning platforms through instructional activities. Click here to see details of the five stage process.

Cloud Computing – What does it mean for education providers?

Over the last few years we have all used cloud computing in one shape or another. It may have been when you accessed your online email account, when using services from your favourite social networking site or when storing your files online. Cloud computing will have a profound affect on the way education providers strategically manage their ICT infrastructure, ICT assets and the ICT services that they provide to their end users; namely teachers, students and the wider community. The paper by John Powell at Leicester’s Business School is a good introductory paper to the subject. Click here for John Powell’s paper.

Participatory Culture and Media Education

Henry Jenkins’ paper entitled ‘Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century’ describes how many students are actively involved in participatory cultures when they create and share their own media content. The paper describes how schools can ensure that all students benefit from learning in ways that allow them to participate fully within their schools, communities and in economic life. There are many questions that are asked and addressed. How do schools guarantee that the rich opportunities afforded by the expanding media landscape are available to all? What can schools do to give students a head start and allow them the chance to develop and grow as effective participants within the education landscape? Click here for Henry Jenkin’s paper. 

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